Written by: Sam Mackay
Its horrible to think about someone in your family becoming unwell or being injured but sometimes doing the leg work first can make a stressful situation a little easier to handle.

Smart phones make life easier, they bring instant access to important information and localservices. But I like being prepared so I have a note stuck in my medicine cabinet that lists my nearest A&E, Urgent Care centre, Dentist and GP details and the local 24 hour pharmacy too. I always complete a fresh one when we are going on holiday so I know where to get help if I need to in an area I am not familiar with.
You can either make a note on your phone or feel free to download from the website and print your own one!
If you go to the NHS website you can do a search of all the local services that are local to you. Be sure to note any age restrictions, opening and closing times etc.
We have also included a space for each venue for you to complete the what3words location information.
What3words works by gridding the whole world in to 3 metre squares. Each 3 metre square has its own unique 3 words. The app is free to download and use and means that if you can now get directions to the very square of the front door should you want to. Its also fantastic in an emergency - if you told the operate the location you were in using the what3words app they would know exactly where to find you! Amazing isn’t it? You can also use it for deliveries, and breakdowns and treasure hunts with the children!
Stay safe.
Sam x