Meet my daughter the “Original Dinky Medic”.

Unfortunately for us we spent many a day/week hanging out on a childrens ward in our local hospital due to chronic lung disease amongst other medical issues.
One of Ruby’s early hospital stays was met with a particularly horrid experience for her (and us) whilst trying to take some bloods and place a cannula. She was around 14 months and she didn’t forget it in a hurry. In fact any medic/cleaner entering a room with gloves on would trigger a melt down as she thought gloves = needles.
We felt the best option for us all was to role play around what happens when we go to hospital. Saying we did this a lot does not even come close. We played morning, noon and night. We had every teddy in a makeshift bed, cannula in situ, bandages applied and observations being taken every 2 minute (she was a very thorough medic).
I used real medical equipment where possible and we brought lots of dress up and medical kits.
Nobody was allowed to chill out in our house. This included poor Aunty K too, who lived with us for the first few years of Rubys life. If you sat on the sofa you were bandaged and kept warm with a foil blanket!!!! 
Slowly and surely Ruby became more trusting when she saw a medic. In fact by the time she was 18 months old Ruby would hold her own nebuliser mask on when needed and lift her top so they could listen to her chest.
I was already training children in first aid via our Junior Medic program but the seeds were planted for a session aimed at much much younger ones.
Dinky Medic sessions are perfect for any toddler or young child. Each session will teach them something different about what happens if we get hurt or become unwell.
We will show them real medical equipment where possible, we will meet a range of people that can help us plus what they may experience when seeing a medic.
Join us for a term of fun or a stand alone “family session”. Either way we can’t wait to meet you and your little ones!
We are currently recruiting for Dinky Medic Trainers. If you would like to run a franchise or join us as a class leader get in touch - here.